View Javadoc
1   package org.cyclopsgroup.jmxterm.cmd;
3   import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
4   import org.cyclopsgroup.jcli.annotation.Argument;
5   import org.cyclopsgroup.jcli.annotation.Cli;
6   import org.cyclopsgroup.jcli.annotation.Option;
7   import org.cyclopsgroup.jmxterm.Command;
8   import org.cyclopsgroup.jmxterm.Session;
9   import org.cyclopsgroup.jmxterm.SyntaxUtils;
10  import;
12  import;
13  import;
14  import;
15  import;
16  import;
17  import;
18  import java.util.ArrayList;
19  import java.util.List;
21  /**
22   * Command to display or set current bean
23   *
24   * @author <a href="">Jiaqi Guo</a>
25   */
26  @Cli(name = "bean", description = "Display or set current selected MBean. ",
27      note = "Without any parameter, it displays current selected bean, "
28          + "otherwise it selects the bean defined by the first parameter. eg. bean java.lang:type=Memory")
29  public class BeanCommand extends Command {
30    /**
31     * Get full MBean name with given bean name, domain and session
32     *
33     * @param bean Name of bean. It can be NULL so that session#getBean() is returned
34     * @param domain Domain for bean
35     * @param session Current session
36     * @return Full qualified name of MBean
37     * @throws JMException Thrown when given MBean name is malformed
38     * @throws IOException allows IO exceptions.
39     */
40    public static String getBeanName(String bean, String domain, Session session)
41        throws JMException, IOException {
42      Validate.notNull(session, "Session can't be NULL");
43      if (bean == null) {
44        return session.getBean();
45      }
46      if (SyntaxUtils.isNull(bean)) {
47        return null;
48      }
49      MBeanServerConnection con = session.getConnection().getServerConnection();
50      if (bean.indexOf(':') != -1) {
51        try {
52          ObjectName name = new ObjectName(bean);
53          con.getMBeanInfo(name);
54          return bean;
55        } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
56        } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) {
57        }
58      }
60      String domainName = DomainCommand.getDomainName(domain, session);
61      if (domainName == null) {
62        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
63            "Please specify domain using either -d option or domain command");
64      }
65      try {
66        ObjectName name = new ObjectName(domainName + ":" + bean);
67        con.getMBeanInfo(name);
68        return domainName + ":" + bean;
69      } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
70      } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) {
71      }
72      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bean name " + bean + " isn't valid");
73    }
75    /**
76     * Gets a list of candidate beans.
77     */
78    static List<String> getCandidateBeanNames(Session session) throws MalformedObjectNameException {
79      try {
80        ArrayList<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(BeansCommand.getBeans(session, null));
81        String domain = session.getDomain();
82        if (domain != null) {
83          List<String> beans = BeansCommand.getBeans(session, domain);
84          for (String bean : beans) {
85            results.add(bean.substring(domain.length() + 1));
86          }
87        }
88        return results;
89      } catch (IOException e) {
90        throw new RuntimeIOException("Couldn't find candidate bean names", e);
91      }
93    }
95    private String bean;
97    private String domain;
99    @Override
100   public List<String> doSuggestArgument() throws IOException, MalformedObjectNameException {
101     return getCandidateBeanNames(getSession());
102   }
104   @Override
105   public List<String> doSuggestOption(String optionName) throws IOException {
106     if (optionName.equals("d")) {
107       return DomainsCommand.getCandidateDomains(getSession());
108     }
109     return null;
110   }
112   @Override
113   public void execute() throws IOException, JMException {
114     Session session = getSession();
115     if (bean == null) {
116       if (session.getBean() == null) {
117         session.output.println(SyntaxUtils.NULL);
118       } else {
119         session.output.println(session.getBean());
120       }
121       return;
122     }
123     String beanName = getBeanName(bean, domain, session);
124     if (beanName == null) {
125       session.setBean(null);
126       session.output.printMessage("bean is unset");
127       return;
128     }
129     ObjectName name = new ObjectName(beanName);
130     MBeanServerConnection con = session.getConnection().getServerConnection();
131     con.getMBeanInfo(name);
132     session.setBean(beanName);
133     session.output.printMessage("bean is set to " + beanName);
134   }
136   /**
137    * Set bean option
138    *
139    * @param bean Bean to set
140    */
141   @Argument(displayName = "bean", description = "MBean name with or without domain")
142   public final void setBean(String bean) {
143     this.bean = bean;
144   }
146   /**
147    * Set domain option
148    *
149    * @param domain Domain option to set
150    */
151   @Option(name = "d", longName = "domain", description = "Domain name")
152   public final void setDomain(String domain) {
153     this.domain = domain;
154   }
155 }